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Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor

发布时间:2021-06-26 13:04:47 作者:深圳市君达时代仪器有限公司 阅读: 11941 次
Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor DUN光学监视器使镀膜者对光学薄膜沉积进行精确控制,减少了工艺误差,提高了镀膜产量。我们的旗舰系统590型,被认为是具有无与伦比的鲁棒性

Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor
DUN光学监视器使镀膜者对光学薄膜沉积进行精确控制,减少了工艺误差,提高了镀膜产量。我们的旗舰系统590型,被认为是具有无与伦比的鲁棒性 和易用性.


Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor为今天的精密薄膜涂层提供了所需的最高精度。晶体监视器,通过设计,只测量一个涂层的质量,而不能检测到由于多个工艺变量之一的变化而引起的层密度的变化。如果不被捕捉到,层密度的变化会导致光学厚度的变化,这会导致性能急剧下降,并可能失去运行和收入。
Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor
350-2500 nm波长范围


Model 590光学监视器 Model 590 Optical Monitor为今天的精密薄膜涂层提供了所需的最高精度。晶体监视器,通过设计,只测量一个涂层的质量,而不能检测到由于多个工艺变量之一的变化而引起的层密度的变化。如果不被捕捉到,层密度的变化会导致光学厚度的变化,这会导致性能急剧下降,并可能失去运行和收入。


Precision Layer Termination
Reduced Process Error
350-2500nm Wavelength Range
Superior Backgorund Noise Suppression
Works in Reflection or Transmission Modes
5 Decade Dynamic Range
Analog Output for Stripchart Recorder
USB Interface
Field-proven Design

Monochrometer for continuous wavelength selection.
Fiber Optic Input / Outputs
Dual Receivers
Advantages of Optical Monitoring?

Optical Monitoring provides the highest accuracy needed for today’s precision thin film coatings. Crystal monitors, by design, only measure the mass of a coating layer and cannot detect changes in the layer density caused by a variations in one of the many process variables. If not caught, a change in layer density results in a variation of the optical thickness which can lead to dramatic performance reductions and possible lost runs and revenue.

Optical monitors, on the other hand, provide continuous real-time monitoring of the optical performance of each layer by measuring the reflectance or transmission of the coating throughout the coating run. This measurement is compared against a well known relationship for the optical thickness of each layer so that precise termination of each layer can be achieved.

Figure 1.0 below shows a typical plot of monitor chip reflectance vs. thickness generated by a coating design software package. The layer termination points noted by the solid vertical bars indicate the end points of each layer. When the 590 Optical Monitor readout reaches these points, the operator terminates that layer deposition and advances to the next layer.

Optical Monitoring provides the highest accuracy needed for today’s precision thin film coatings. Crystal monitors, by design, only measure the mass of a coating layer and cannot detect changes in the layer density caused by a variations in one of the many process variables. If not caught, a change in layer density results in a variation of the optical thickness which can lead to dramatic performance reductions and possible lost runs and revenue.

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