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美国Prostat PDT-740B Static Decay Timer

发布时间:2024-02-19 08:46:10 作者:深圳市君达时代仪器有限公司 阅读: 677 次
美国Prostat, PDT-740B, Static Decay Timer,MEASURE DECAY TIMES FOR IONIZERS AND MATERIALS,Designed to measure the time required for a 1,000 volt charge to dissipate to less than 100, 50 or 10 volts in tenths of a second Used to evaluate the static decay capabilities of materials, personnel, equipment and other products

美国Prostat PDT-740B Static Decay Timer

Designed to measure the time required for a 1,000 volt charge to dissipate to less than 100, 50 or 10 volts in tenths of a second
Used to evaluate the static decay capabilities of materials, personnel, equipment and other products
Compatible with most portable charge plate monitors and field meters having an analog output of ±2 volts
Used with the PFM-711A or PFM-711B Field Meters
Can be used with the PGB-745 Decay Electrodes or PRF-911 Concentric Ring

Measure Decay Time of Ionizers
The PDT-740B Static Decay Timer is typical of Prostat’s innovative technology and support of Professional ESD Control Managers and Auditors.

This unique accessory is designed to measure the decay time of ionizers from ±1,000 volts to less than 100 volts in accordance with ESD Association’s Ionization Standard ANSI/ESD STM3.1, and measure material decay time to less than 50 volts and less than 10 volts.

Evaluate Ionizers and Packaging Materials
Properly used, the PDT-740B provides decay time measurements for evaluating ionizers, packaging materials, footwear, personnel grounding, production aids, some equipment and many other ESD control products.

Use it with the PFK-100B Field Meter Set
The PDT-740B Static Decay Timer is used with Prostat’s precision portable Charge Plate Monitor kit components, including the PFM-711B Field Meter, CPM-720B Charge Plate Assembly and PCS-730B Electrostatic Charger..

Measure materials by using the PGB-745
For evaluating materials and other products, additional decay measurement accessories e.g., PGB-745 Decay Electrodes, or PRF-911 Concentric Ring fixtures are recommended.

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