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Prostat PDS-510 HBM Discharge Simulator

发布时间:2024-02-19 21:09:58 作者:深圳市君达时代仪器有限公司 阅读: 614 次
Prostat PDS-510 HBM放电模拟器PDS-510 HBM Discharge Simulator,HBM SIMULATOR USED TO TEST DEVICES IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001Unlike most commercial testers that come with a test head, the PDS-510 is a manual two pin tester which means that only two pins at a time can be tested. The user must design a way to connect the PDS-510 to the pins under test. In addition, they must have a way to check for damage to the device either by using a curve tracer or functional tester. HBM data collected using the PDS-510 can be used for data sheet reporting

美国Prostat PDS-510 HBM Discharge Simulator

PDS-510 HBM Discharge Simulator
Low cost two-pin tester for HBM
Portable and battery operated
Built-in DC power supply up to 4,000 VDC
Ideal for getting a good indication of ESD sensitivity of a device
Meets the waveform requirements of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001
Incudes leads and grounding accessories
The PSD-510 is a low cost, light weight, battery powered Human Body Model (HBM) simulator designed to help customers determine the HBM ESD sensitivity of a device in accordance with ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001.

Unlike most commercial testers that come with a test head, the PDS-510 is a manual two pin tester which means that only two pins at a time can be tested. The user must design a way to connect the PDS-510 to the pins under test. In addition, they must have a way to check for damage to the device either by using a curve tracer or functional tester. HBM data collected using the PDS-510 can be used for data sheet reporting.

The PDS-510 can also be used to obtain a general idea of the Machine Model (MM) and Charged Device Model (CDM) ESD sensitivity of a device using the precision built-in DC power supply that can be used to charge items up to 4,000 VDC. The power supply is used to charge other fixtures that can deliver an external MM/CDM pulse to the device or charge a plate similar to classical CDM testing.

The PDS-510 comes complete with a universal battery charger, test leads and grounding accessories. A certificate of calibration is also included.

If you are looking to test Shielded Bags per ANSI/ESD STM11.31, refer to the PBT-531 Shielded Bag Test Kit.

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