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PGA-710Kit Walking Test System Kit

发布时间:2024-02-22 20:43:01 作者:深圳市君达时代仪器有限公司 阅读: 558 次
PGA-710Kit Walking Test System Kit,Measure the voltage on a person in combination with floor materials and footwear per ANSI/ESD S20.20

PGA-710Kit Walking Test System Kit
Measure the voltage on a person in combination with floor materials and footwear per ANSI/ESD S20.20

Measure the Electrostatic Voltage of a Person while Walking
Tests ESD Floor in Accordance with ANSI/ESD STM 97.2 and IEC 61340-4-5
Includes Prostat Autoanalysis Software for Windows
Time Constant of less than 200ms (0.2 sec)
Full Reporting to includes Min, Max and Average Voltages
Reports Accurate Temperature and Relative Humidity
Includes a Portable Field Meter and Charge Plate Monitor
Measures the Offset Voltages and Decay Times of Ionizers
Certificate of Calibration Traceable to NIST included

Everything you Need to Perform the Walking Test per ANSI/ESD S20.20
The PGA-710 Walking Test System is a complete kit designed to perform the walking test per ANSI/ESD STM97.2 and IEC 61340-4-5. The system consist of several devices designed for portability and to perform several different tests which includes measuring the voltage on a person in combination with floor materials and footwear.
The kit includes the PGA-710B Data Logger, the PFM-711B Field Meter, CPM-720B Charge Plate Monitor, the PCS-730B Electrostatic Charger, Hand Held Electrode and the Prostat Autoanalysis Software version 2.0.
A Rechargeable Battery Operated Data Logger
The PGA-710B can be used as a freestanding data logger or recorder for later downloading to your computer. It will communicate with your computer via standard USB. The PGA-710B receives input from the PFM-711B and outputs the signal to the Autoanalysis software via your computer's USB port.
The internal sensor will accurately report the temperature and relative humidy while recording the body voltage. Through the Autoanlaysis software, the sensor can be operationally adjusted to approximate a known reference.
The PGA-710B will perform measurement and recording functions, perform data analysis, generate charts, then construct and print out complete reports, including the facility’s ambient temperature and relative humidity during each test.
ESD Analysis at its Finest
The Autoanalysis Software 2.0 will instantly perform mathematical and statistical functions to assist ESD Program Managers and Plant Auditors in defining strengths and weaknesses of the ESDS device transport and handling process. The PGA-710B will calculate the 3-Sigma ranges of Walking and Standing body voltages in your facility, graphically plot the percent probability of equaling or exceeding specific body voltages in the process, and calculate the maximum, minimum and average of voltage generation or decay times.
The PGA-710B and Autoanalysis Software are now compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows from XP all the way to Windows 10.
Electrostatic Fields up to ±20kV
The PFM-711B is a portable, battery oprated Field Meter used for locating and measuring electrostatic fields in areas where ionized air is present up to ±20kV.
By attaching the CPM-720B to the PFM-711B, it will convert the Field Meter into a portable, battery operated charged plate monitor that will allow you to balance ionizers per ESD TR53 and ANSI/ESD SP3.3 Periodic Verification.
Other Applications:
Footwear and flooring combinations
IonizationdDevice and system offset voltage & decay performance
Worksurface voltage suppression
Rolling carts
Record process equipment field voltages
Chairs (sitting and standing functions)
Packaging materials & systems
Production aids & materials
Other tests & valuation

To view technical specifications for each product in this kit, refer to the Downloads tab.
PGA-710B Autoanalysis System
PFM-711B Electrostatic Field Meter
CPM-720B Charge Plate Monitor
PCS-730B Electrostatic Charger
PFK-100H Instrument Holder
PFA-861H Hand Held Electrode
PGA-710CGL Charge Generation Lead
PHT-771 Digital Psychrometer
PWS-610M Fabric Band Wrist Strap (1)
Q007B Common Point Grounding Cube (1)
Autoanalysis Application Software 2.0
PIK-110C Carrying Case with Handle
PAB-024 Accessories Box

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