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Model 262 桌面反射计 Model 262 Reflectometer

发布时间:2021-06-26 13:08:50 作者:深圳市君达时代仪器有限公司 阅读: 12559 次
Model 262 桌面反射计 Model 262 Reflectometer 262 Console262型反射仪是为光亮电镀工业测量在不同位置的反射率,在旋转铝曲面上,用于路灯和其他反射器。这种紧凑的台式仪器易于使用和简单的

Model 262 桌面反射计 Model 262 Reflectometer

262 Console262型反射仪是为光亮电镀工业测量在不同位置的反射率,在旋转铝曲面上,用于路灯和其他反射器。这种紧凑的台式仪器易于使用和简单的校准,从而为生产人员提供了一个快速的手段,以确保质量的反射器正在处理。



262 T:透射计(单通道)
262 T/R: 反射计和透射计

Model 262 桌面反射计 Model 262 Reflectometer
262 Console262 ConsoleThe Model 262 Reflectometer was developed for the Bright Plating industry to measure reflectance at various locations on a spun aluminum curved surface for streetlight and other reflectors. This compact desktop instrument is easy to use and simple to calibrate thereby providing production people with a rapid means to assure quality of the reflectors being processed.

The instrument is calibrated with an on-board reflectance standard. Measurements are made by touching a soft probe to the surface being measured. The reflectance displays immediately on a 31/2 digit bright red digital meter. The soft probe is connected to the instrument by fiber optics. Most reflectors are used to illuminate an area to improve visibility at night for the eye. Thus, the reflectometer has similar spectral (photopic) response as the eye.

The illumination source is a white light LED that is electronically chopped (with no moving parts) and synchronously demodulated to provide a system that is not affected by room light.

The Model 262 is available in the following configurations:

262:Reflectometer (single channel)
262(5):5-Channel Reflectometer
262T:Transmissometer (single channel)
262D:Diffuse Transmissometer
262T/R:Reflectometer & Transmissometer
These modestly priced instruments have been provided to a number of plating facilities in the continental United States and overseas. Call, write, FAX or email for additional technical information, specifications, or price quotation.

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