施密特 schmidt ETPB-500数显张力仪 施密特 schmidt ETPB系列数显张力仪型号ETB和ETX带有球轴承V-型槽导轮,最大线速度可达2000m/min,3种量程可选从0.5-100cN到1-500cN 施密特 schmidt ETPB-500数显张力仪
Prostat PDS-510 HBM放电模拟器PDS-510 HBM Discharge Simulator,HBM SIMULATOR USED TO TEST DEVICES IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001Unlike most commercial testers that come with a test head, the PDS-510 is a manual two pin tester which means that only two pins at a time can be tested. The user must design a way to connect the PDS-510 to the pins under test. In addition, they must have a way to check for damage to the device either by using a curve tracer or functional tester. HBM data collected using the PDS-510 can be used for data sheet reporting
SCS/DESCO 718 静电场测试仪 产品描述:测试静电电位 产品类型:测试仪 产品品牌:SCS(DESCO子品牌) 产品产地:美国 订购货号:718 起订数量:1 保修时间:6个月 SCS/DESCO 718 静电场测试仪
LD-5 激光粉尘仪 LD-5H/L型激光粉尘仪 是以激光微光源的光散射式快速测尘仪。可直读颗粒物质量浓度,1分钟出结果,或根据用户需要任意设定采样时间;内置滤膜采样装置,在连续监测
MIT400系列工业用绝缘电阻和连续性测试仪 MIT400系列提供一系列的型号选择: MIT400系列工业用绝缘电阻和连续性测试仪 电气设备测试: MIT400 具有多个行业内电工和工程师所需的各种功